100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.

100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.

100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.

100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.
Americas toddlers first (2019 - 2021)
Americas toddlers first! - Ein schon lange umstrittenes, aber scheinbar doch unantastbares Waffengesetz treibt abartige Blüten wie den Verkauf von tötlichen Kindergewehren im Supermarkt. Brüderchen killt Schwesterchen, oder andersherum, dann aber mit der „pink first rifle“. Die Argumentation klingt schlüssig. Man muss vorbereitet sein auf den Verteidigungsfall gegenüber allem Fremden, muss den eigenen Besitz verteidigen, muss den eigenen überchristlichen Glauben schützen oder die Aliens vertreiben und auf Großwildjagd mit dem millionenschweren Daddy das letzte Nashorn zur persönlichen Social-Media-Trophäe durchlöchern.
Americas toddlers first! - A long controversial, but apparently inviolable gun law is producing abnormal flowers like the sale of deadly children's guns in the supermarket. Little brother kills little sister, or the other way around, but then with the "pink first rifle". The argument sounds conclusive. You have to be prepared for a case of defense against anything foreign, you have to defend your own property, you have to protect your own supra-christian faith or drive away the aliens, and when you go big game hunting with your millionaire daddy, you have to perforate the last rhino for your personal social media feed.