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Fumes and perfumes 9.0

until june 2023

Group exhibition together with Stephan Gladieu, Bernd Kammerer, Honey Long & Prue Stent, Monica Menez,  Yves Noir und Roger Weiss

Parkhaus Züblin

Lazarettstrasse 5

70180 Stuttgart

daily: 6:00 - 22:00

Ausstellungen / Exhibitions 

-One Shot Award, 2023, BBA Gallery, Berlin

-Scope Art Fair, Maiami, with See Me Gallery, 2022

-One Shot Award, 2022, BBA Gallery, Berlin

-Discovery Art Fair, Frankkurt a. M., with Selcted Views, 2022

-Fumes and perfumes 9.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2022

-Artists support Ukraine, group exhibition, VAUND Stuttgart, 2022

-Vanilla Beliefs, solo exhibition, Huginn-lounge and arts, Stuttgart, Germany, 2021

-Fumes and perfumes 8.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, Germany 2021

-Art takes 2021, group exhibition, New York, USA, 2021

-ArtOpen, group exhibition, Esslingen, Germany 2020

-Südwestdeutscher Kunstpreis, group exibition, Esslingen, Germany 2020

-Apocalypse ciao / galerieenhaus open, group exhibition, Galerie Schacher, Stuttgart, 2020

-Fumes and perfumes 7.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2020

-ArtOpen, group exhibition, Esslingen, Germany 2019

-Fumes and perfumes 6.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2019

-Sublimations 2019, group exhibition, Mailand / Arles 2019

-Südwestdeutscher Kunstpreis, group exibition, Esslingen, Germany 2018

-Princesses and bad guys, solo exhibition, Ebersberg-München, 2018

-Aftermath, group exhibition, St.Louis, 2018

-Fumes and perfumes 5.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2018

-Trigger, group exhibition, Karlsruhe, 2018

-Artwista photo challenge, group exhibition, Galerie z22, Berlin, 2018

-FSK 18 / fumes and perfumes 4.1, group exhibition, Ebene0, Stuttgart 2017

-RAW-the decisive moment, Froup exhibition, Düsseldorf Photo Weekend, 2017

-Galerieenhaus open, group exhibition, Galerie Schacher, Stuttgart, 2017

-Fumes and perfumes 4.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2017

-Trigger, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2017

-Artexpo New York, artfair, New York, 2017

-Fumes and perfumes 3.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart,  2016

-Sven-Thorsten / a top model, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2016

-Estello Rooftop Space, Arles, France, 2016

-Von Angesicht zu Angesicht, group exhibition,  Schwerpunkt Gallerie Feuerbach, 2016

-China Pingyao International Photography Festival,  group exhibition, Pingyao-China, 2015

-Fumes and perfumes 2.0, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2015

-Kunstdorf, Unterjesingen/Tübingen, 2015

-Personal Works group exhibition Stuttgart, 2015

-Sven-Thorsten / becoming a model, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2014

-Fumes and perfumes, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2014

-Felix Schöller Photo Award, Galerie der Nominierten, Osnabrück, 2013

-In space no one can hear your beauty, Bettina Michel  Raum für Kunst, Stuttgart, 2013

-Im Brennpunkt, Frankfurt/Main, Washington, Linz,  Vilnius, Curitiba, Bochum, Stuttgart, 2013

-Neuland, group exhibition, Basl, 2012

-IPA Best of show, Los Angeles, 2012

-Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, 2012

-Museu da Imagem e do Som, group exhibition, Sao Paulo, 2012

-Chelsea Art Museum, group exhibition, N.Y., 2011

-BFF Licht_Bild_Welt, group exhibition, Stuttgart 2011

-World Photography Festival, group exhibition, London, 2011

-Fokus 0711 / Stuttgarter Fotosommer, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2010

-Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, 2008

-Kodak Fotosommer Awardshow, group exhibition, Stuttgart, 2005

Preise / Awards

-One Shot Award 2023 nominee, BBA Gallery, Berlin

-SeeMe – Evolve Art Award 2022, Finalist

-One Shot Award 2022 nominee, BBA Gallery, Berlin

-IPA (International Photograohy Awards/Lucie Awards) 2021, honorable mention

-Art takes 2021, honorable mention

-Südwestdeutscher Kunstpreis 2020, nominierung

-Südwestdeutscher Kunstpreis 2018, nominierung

-Gregor Calender Award 2017

-Tokio International Photo Awards 2016, Silver & Bronze

-IPA (International Photograohy Awards/Lucie Awards) 2016, 2 x honorable mention

-Intl. Color Awards 2016, 2 x honorable mention

-ND Awards 2015 1st Advertising

-PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris 2015, 2x Silver

- London Creative Competition 2015 – Finalist

-IPA (International Photograohy Awards/Lucie Awards)  2015, 2nd Advertising/Beauty

-ND-Awards 2014 2nd Fashion, 5 x honorable mention

-GoSee Awards 2014 Merit und Publikumspreis

-IPA (International Photograohy Awards/Lucie Awards)  2014, 3rd Advertising

-PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris 2014 2 x Gold, 1 x Silver, 2 x Bronze

-Felix Schöller Photo Award Nominierung 2013

-Architekturbild, Europäischer Architekturfotografie-Preis 2013 1st

-Foto-, Kurzfilm-, Animations- und Game Wettbewerb 2012 Preisträger

-IPA (International Photograohy Awards/Lucie Awards) 2012  2nd Editorial

-Annual Photo Awards 2012 honorable mention

-Trierenberg Supercircuit 2012 Silvermedal

-IPA (International Photograohy Awards/Lucie Awards) 2011  3 x honnorable mention

-Annual Photo Awards 2011, 1st (cat. „Oceans“ Series)

-Sony World Photography Award 2nd 2011 (Commercial / Lifestyle)

-Sony World Photography Award 3rd 2011 (Fine Art/ Architecture)

-Kodak Fotosommer Award 1st 2005


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Frank & Steff, Frank Bayh & Steff Rosenberger-Ochs Photographie, Mode-, Werbe- und Fine-art Fotografie , Stuttgart

fashion, advertising and fine-art photography, germany

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