100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.
100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.
100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.
100 x 100 cm, Pigment Print, 6+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 80 x 80 cm, Pigment Print, 10+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 50 x 50 cm, C-Print, 25+2AP, signed and numbered on certificate of authenticity. 23 x 23 cm, C-Print, 100 Edition, signed and numbered on label.
What if they were unicorns (2016 / 2017)
„What if they were unicorns“ zeigt die Portraits von grausamen Menschen- und gesellschaftsverachtenden Machthabern der Weltgeschichte. Diktatoren, Tyrannen, Völkermörder, Volksverräter und Kriegstreiber, die den Lauf der Geschichte und das Weltbild wie es heute existiert durch ihre Gräueltaten massgeblich mitbeeinflusst haben, finden sich unter den Abgebildeten. Verkörpert werden diese Unmenschen von weinenden, traurig und unschuldig dreinblickenden Kindern.
Das Einhorn (Unicorn) gilt in der Fabelwelt als das edelste aller Wesen und verkörpert dort das Gute und Reine. Die Bildstrecke wirft somit die Frage auf: was wäre wenn...? Was wenn diese historischen Despoten Gutmenschen gewesen wären? Wie die Geschichte dann verlaufen wäre? Wären andere an ihren Platz getreten? Was wenn diese egomanischen, herrschsüchtigen Diktatoren nicht den Nährboden für ihr Emporkommen in der Gesellschaft gefunden hätten? Und was hat die Menschheit bis heute aus den Völkermorden und Kriegen die diese Leute inszeniert und veranlasst haben gelernt? Was wäre wenn...?
"What if they were unicorns" are portraits of cruel inhuman and despotic leaders of our world history. We see human dictators, tyrants, genocidaires, traitors, and warriors, who played a decisive role in the course of history as crying, sad and innocent children.
The unicorn is regarded as the noblest of all beings in the fantasy world and embodies the good and the pure. The pictures thus raise the question: What if ...? What if these historical despots would have been good men? How would have gone history? Would others have taken their place? What if these egomaniac, domineering dictators had not found the breeding ground for their uprising in society? And what has mankind learned from their murders and wars? What if...?
- Honorable Mention at IPA International Photography Awards / Lucie Awards 2016